Thank you to the donors who make these grants possible and the dedicated educators who apply for grants to improve the educational resources available to assist all students.
Westlake Elementary – Mary Ellen Vanderveer Grant
Dawn Rowe an ESL(K-4) teacher at Westlake Elementary received $600.00 to purchase two Pocketalk devices and accessories to help communication between ELS students and teachers. The devices also help with writing skills, student to student communication, and teacher to parent communication. Additional devices would allow more student interaction in the school environment.
Minges Brook Elementary – Thomas Jefferson Grant
Jessica Day, a kindergarten teacher at Minges Brook, and 4 others received $350 to add to the Sensory Regulation Station they have established at Minges. They are working with STARR Commonwealth to become the first Trauma Informed Building in the state. The Sensory Regulation Station supports the diverse needs of learners by helping them control their impulses. This experience helps them to engage in behavior that is mindful, deliberate, and considerate. The Regulations Stations will be a permanent addition to this school.
Lakeview High School – Kay & Karl Randels Grant
Margaret Lincoln, high school librarian, and four 9-12 ELA teachers received $350 to provide educational enrichment for a unit focusing on implicit bias, dehumanization, and social justice through the study of historical literature and the reading of Night by Elie Wiesel. The grant will also allow 12 sections of English 10 (360 students, 6 presentations) to attend during the school day an interactive real-time virtual presentation in February with Judy Sima, an acclaimed storyteller and second-generation Holocaust survivor.